Emmanuel Dagher - Author & Millennial Visionary | RiseUP
Emmanuel Dagher

Author & Millennial Visionary

Emmanuel's soul inspired wisdom emanates from pure love, and invites all to journey within to rediscover their true selves. He has dedicated his life to being of service to humanity, co-creating thousands of spontaneous healings and miracles by helping people remember who they are at their core, and realize their full potential as the amazing whole beings of love they truly are.

Emmanuel has the ability to fully connect and engage with people from all backgrounds and walks of life, making whomever he comes into contact with feel like they've been life long friends. One of Emmanuel's greatest gifts he offers to humanity is the amount of compassion he is able to generate, sustain and share through his heart and presence. This ability has escalated him to become recognized internationally as a Global Humanitarian, Soul Specialist, Healer, Teacher, and Author.

Emmanuel's most recent platform allowed him to present and faciliate a global peace session at the United Nations in New York City, the heart of where global diplomacy occurs. This session included the support of thousands of Lightworkers and wayshowers from all around the world, who at the same time of 1:11pm Eastern Time / 6:11pm GMT on April 15th 2016, meditated on the vision that peace and healing would occur in the hearts and minds of humanity quickly with ease and grace.

The result of a collaboration with Emmanuel is greater love, remembrance of one's True Self, personal freedom, expanded higher consciousness, and an overall sense of wellbeing. Those who connect with Emmanuel on a heart level, whether it is a next door neighbor or a globally recognize leader, leaves feeling fully seen, loved, and transformed after each collaboration.

The role Emmanuel was set to play with helping to raise the global consciousness of the planet was ignited early on in his childhood.

Growing up during the civil war of Lebanon—where Emmanuel witnessed things that no human being should ever see or experience, and where safety, food, water, electricity and other amenities were either non existent or sparse —gave Emmanuel a deep ability to embody a compassion for others that to many transcends logic. One of Emmanuel's passions includes helping refugee children, women and men who have been displaced from their home countries due to war, teaching them how to heal so that they can create a solid foundation for a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.

With a background in parapsychology, combined with his intuitive healing abilities, experiences, and having received an abundance of speciality certifications in holistic and alternative healing therapies, Emmanuel has dedicated his life to serving and awakening humanity, so that they can remember and embody the sacred core essence of their Divine Self.

Emmanuel is also a two time #1 best seller for his books Easy Breezy Miracle and Easy Breezy Prosperity.